Accounting Services
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Serving Not-For-Profit, Governmental and Tribal Accounting Needs

Accounting Solutions of NM, Inc. has an outstanding team of experienced professionals, with a proven track record of success providing financial management services, accounting services, accounting software sales and accounting software implementation services to not-for-profits, schools, governmental entities and tribal organizations.

Our team has a thorough understanding of the audit, accounting, regulatory and tax aspects of not-for-profit, governmental, tribal organizations and other exempt organizations like yours. We will do our very best to provide you friendly, courteous, and extraordinary service. Furthermore, our philosophy is that we are also partners with management to help them meet their accounting objectives.

Although we are licensed as CPA’s to practice in the state of NM, we do not perform audits.  Our practice is in the area of accounting system design, accounting system implementation and accounting services.  If you choose to hire an auditor who occasionally takes a job providing accounting services you are likely to get someone who has no practical accounting experience. We will use our extensive experience and knowledge of federal and local regulations to enhance your accounting function and guide you to greater self-sufficiency and provide peace of mind. 

The Services we provide are:
Fee Accounting
Audit Preparation
Policy Design and Implementation
Process Design and Implementation
Accounting System Design
Accounting Software Sales
Accounting Software Implementation

 Our clients trust us to meet their accounting objectives.  These objectives vary and may include areas such cost management or reduction, revenue enhancement, process improvement and systems/data integrity.  We pride ourselves as being the trusted advisor that not only meets the accounting needs but provides confidence and peace of mind.